My Many Tattoos

Have you lived before? One of my recurring dream concepts is events as a gladiator fighting and winning in the arena by swords. I have many tattoos, they all have intimate meaning to me. Maybe it is the pain of undergoing hours of intense stress with the sole purpose to remember something. The tattoo on my right calf of my leg is my most resent tattoo. It was made in Barcelona. The future time of our universe is not written yet, it is only scripted. Sometimes things that take place seems like misfires. I felt deeply about the death of Chris Cornell for reasons I will not disclose. Dark places in my mind are not unfamiliar to me. This time around, I want it to be old age that takes me out. A scientific spaceship as discovery and learning. A mountain as the journey and the challenge. A morning star as every new beginning. I love the cover art of his latest album Higher Truth. To me it is both a reminder to persist and stay vigilant in life and also that life is painful, especially if it is lived right.My tattoo is turned upside down as I promise never to take my own life unless it is the end.

Courteous Jovial Novel Keen Intuitive Interested Motivated Mighty Admire Chromatic Believe Blue Kindness Meditation Practise Bounce Dolphin Balance Difference Focused Free Gentle Imagine
